
Musings of a furnituremaker

Actually it’s not my first blog, that is.
There are three (whoa, dude, how prolific) already floating, or being, or doing the doggie paddle, or whatever it is that blogs do, already on my website. I’m going to figure out how to upload them to this blog site, but for now, if you’d like to see them, (and i promise you they will be far more interesting than this drivel), you can see them at :
Actually, i’d be quite honored if you took a look and passed on your reactions, assuming , of course , that they spur you to action.
One word of warning: i have discovered that …
1- I really am a poor typist, and so, to lessen the burden, I don’t waste much time capitalizing words.
2- I am hopelessly addicted to parentheses (and the habit of sneaking in little asides).

Well, then, welcome, I hope this will be the start of something .

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